[TenTec] radar
CATFISHTWO at aol.com
Sat Jul 2 19:00:31 EDT 2005
for a different question,today i got a ticket radar was used,my truck has
had both 2 meters and hf radio with 500 watt amp.my question could the rf from
the radio cause a bad reading on the radar? af4ob
probably not , most Portable type radar guns operate in the k band and by
the time any harmonics for either 2 m or hf enter the k band they are either
non existence or so weak as to be zip. most of those guns are well tested,
and documented, so slow down is the only way to avoid a chance to buy your own
stop sign.
Also the Mythbusters did a segment on radar guns and tinfoil in the hubcaps,
and hanging cd's in the window and radar absorbing paint and other things
and nuttin did any thing..
info from the web on a google,
k band...
This came into use in 1976-8 firstly for mobile units and uses 24.150 plus
or minus 100 MHz (to give 24.050 to 24.250 GHz), or 24.125 plus or minus 100MHz
(to give 24.025 to 24.225 GHz). Because water will absorb wavelengths around
22.24 GHz it can be absorbed more easily by water in the atmosphere so a
rainy day may give a weaker signal. K Band can be detected anything upto 2 miles
away on a good clear day. Traffic light sensors and some automatic door
openers use K Band transmitters so a false alarm may result when approaching
these devices.
Ka Band / Ka WideBand
Came into force in 1983-7 and uses 34.2-35.2 GHz, Ka Wide Band detection
range is upto 1/2 mile.
Ka Super Wide Band
1992 Developed from Ka Wideband, Superwide Band can use any frequency
between 33.4-36.0 GHz.
Ku Band
13.45 GHz Has been tested in the UK and is used on the continent.
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