[TenTec] Real radar solution

Kirby Van Horn k7ec at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 3 10:39:53 EDT 2005


I hate to point this out to you so late in the discussion, but if you like 
to speed ( and a lot of us DO, being former fighter pilots etc.), why don't 
you just solve the problem permanently and  buy a Valentine One Radar 
detector? I own two of them, and they are just amazing!! The company is 
owned by one of our fellow hams, W8DD. I have recommended them to one of my 
friends who had lost his drivers license due to too many points (for 
speeding), now he has his drivers licences back, and hasn't had a speeding 
ticket since the purchase of his own Valentine One Radar Detectors! Mike 
Valentines web site is: http://www.valentine1.com . When you buy these 
detectors, you are not stuck with a piece of junk! They will update the 
innards for a nominal fee to the latest version(or if the change is too 
great to modify the old one economically, they will just give you the new 
version at a very reduced price!!) (I did that with my first one, WHAT A 
DIFFERENCE!!) You can check their website with your serial number to see if 
an update is available, so again it is no-hassle. The detector uses DSP to 
separate the various signals, keep track of up to 8 of them, and tell you 
which direction the radar is coming from, relative to your position,  It 
also virtually eliminates the "junk" signals from automatic door openers 
etc. If it is not a real police signal (ie a heterodine etc), it displays a 
"J" for junk. It also works on lasers. I also recommend that you get the 
remote display which plugs into the cigarette lighter, so that other drivers 
won't tailgate you to read the display on your Valentine One (They usually 
do this becase they know what it is and that it really works!!)

I have no affiliation with Valentine One whatsoever and only recommend their 
Valentine One because I love both of the ones I own!

So just bite the bullet, solve the problem, and get yourself some real 
protection against overly zealous policemen who have a quota to fill!!

73 es Gud DX on X, K, Ka, and Laser,

Kirby, K7EC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Grace" <rjgdag at ntelos.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: 03 July, 2005 05:56
Subject: Re: [TenTec] radar

> thanks to all for advice.3 things come to play 1.yes antennas vibrate at
> speed my hf antenna is almost 13 feet long. 2.i was going over the 
> limit.my
> truck was reading 55 and is off by 2 or 3 mph so i was going 52-53.  he
> wrote the ticket for 58 in a 35 zone. 3. the zone was 45 but he wrote it 
> for
> a 35 zone
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Vic Klein" <vhklein at ptd.net>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 12:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] radar
>> While RF on HF or 2m is unlikely to affect the radar, it is affected by
>> vibrating objects. In fact, the standard for "calibrating" the gun is a
>> tuning fork held in front of it. Do your antennas vibrate at "speed"?
>> =Vic=
>> From:  "Ron Grace" <rjgdag at ntelos.net>
>> Reply-to:  Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
>> Date:  Sat, 2 Jul 2005 18:50:24 -0400
>> List-post:  <mailto:tentec at contesting.com>
>> for a different question,today i got a ticket radar was used,my truck has
>> had
>> both 2 meters and hf radio with 500 watt amp.my question could the rf 
>> from
>> the
>> radio cause a bad reading on the radar? af4ob
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