[TenTec] radar

CATFISHTWO@aol.com CATFISHTWO at aol.com
Sun Jul 3 15:18:45 EDT 2005

I worked in emergency service on the bridges in northern California (  office 
at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge) for about 28 years, and I have  seen 
probably and average of 5 accidents per shift for all 6 bridges, day in and  
day out.  All the bridges have posted limits of 50 or 55 mph depending on  the 
 Probably the # 1 cause of accidents is  speeding. Also remember  when 
someone runs out of fuel on the bridge, myself and my employees drive out  to the 
location and stop their vehicle ( Tow  trucks with red lights and  sirens) and 
dump a gallon of gas in the stalled car, or pull in front and hook  them up and 
tow them off. Now if you are driving  across the bridge at an  excessive 
speed, it make life much more dangerous for us.  We average 1  truck a month 
getting hit while stopped on the roadway. We really hate folks who  speed. One of 
my best employees got hit and killed by a speeder at the Carquinez  Bridge a 
couple years ago, the errant drive got 6 years in jail.
The second  most popular cause of accidents is following too  close, which is 
usually caused by an impatient speeder. And don't even get me  started on 
cell phones..  We had an expression called opto-rectitus, which  means you can't 
see to drive when you have your head up your rump..
So folks they make the speed limits for a reason, If you want to go fast go  
to a track,  please remember all the folks who play in the roadway for a  
living and slow down for us.. and if you get caught, pay the fine and slow  down, 
it is amazing how much more relaxed you are driving when you do the posted  
(Jumping off the soap box now..)
tom N6AJR
And I don't know what this has to do with Ten Tec either..:)
In a message dated 7/3/2005 5:54:10 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
n4lq at insightbb.com writes:

thanks  to all for advice.3 things come to play 1.yes antennas vibrate at
>  speed my hf antenna is almost 13 feet long. 2.i was going over the 
>  limit.my
> truck was reading 55 and is off by 2 or 3 mph so i was going  52-53.  he
> wrote the ticket for 58 in a 35 zone. 3. the zone was  45 but he wrote it 
> for
> a 35 zone
> ----- Original  Message ----- 
> From: "Vic Klein" <vhklein at ptd.net>
> To:  <tentec at contesting.com>

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