[TenTec] Yaesu FT9000 oversights in QST review

Curt k3ey at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 8 12:42:44 EDT 2005

I agree! Ladder line works great, been there done that. It also radiates like crazy and if you are in close proximity to miserable neighbors, ladder line is not desirable fed line. If you live where even putting up a vertical is out and the only hope is that dreaded folded dipole, then I guess the folded dipole it is. To support that folded dipole I had to tie both ends off on two different neighbors property getting permission with the promise of absolutely no TVI. That dreaded folded dipole made working HF possible. All the nay saying who laugh to themselves watching what they perceive as fools work the world with their folded dipoles dummy loads I say: Give it a break guys. All you're doing is making yourselves look like old dried up men who despise anything that doesn't fit your perfect self perceived world view. Distain has become your mantra.

Bwana Bob <wb2vuf at qsl.net> wrote:Its a mystery to me why hams would go for a broadband antenna of any 
kind, when a dipole fed with ladder line and used with a decent tuner 
(auto or manual) is cheaper and more efficient. Yet, I constantly see 
hams putting up T2FD resistive-loaded folded dipoles on emergency 
operations centers. There is no deception here: the specs of these 
antennas are published but not many hams read them and realize that such 
antennas are only about 12% efficient on 80 meters. Now the military 
with frequency-hopping radios needs a broadband antenna because tuners 
can't hop very fast and they add bulk to the portable kit. We change 
bands, but its hardly a freq-hopping mode of operation.

Years ago, I found myself in a city "somewhere in the Middle East". 
There were many embassies within walking distance. I amused myself by 
looking at the the HF antennas on the embassy rooftops. There were a 
couple that used big log periodics, but the majority used simple dipoles 
fed with 600 ohm ladder line- a design that goes back to the 30's and 
40's. Why argue with success?



Grant Youngman wrote:

>>Maxcom later claimed that 
>>the unit used in the QST rewiew was a display model that had 
>>been "stolen".
> These guys are still very much in business, selling very expensive dummy
> loads -- uh -- ah -- sorry, "automatic" Antenna Tuners.
> The name has been changed to protect the innocent (or guilty, depending on
> how you look at it).
> http://www.maxx-com.com/
> Enjoy ..
> Grant/NQ5T
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