[TenTec] Subject: Re: "Radiates like Crazy"???? No

Vince Bond k7na at adelphia.net
Sat Jul 9 15:39:38 EDT 2005

   I will mirror the experiences of those who have tried feeding ladderline-fed antennas in the shack with unbalanced matching networks employing a balun either at the input or output. It may provide reasonable balance on the lower bands, but as you move up past 10mHz, the currents on both feeder wires become progressively unbalanced, leading to RFI problems such as K3EY experienced.
    In my experience an inherently balanced, link-coupled network like the venerable Johnson Matchbox has proved to be the answer, assuming that the antenna flat top was in the clear away from large objects and the tuned feeders were brought away from it at something approximating a right angle for a considerable distance. 
    I recently sold my KW Matchbox and learned of a ham in the Pacific Northwest who, for fun, hand builds balanced matching networks using essentially the Annecke design, with variable link etc. He builds both an 800 watt version and high power models and can include rf ammeters or SWR bridge integrated into the box if so desired by the customer. His prices are very reasonble and the quality of workmanship is superb. His call is W7RQT, Pat, a retired engineer, and you might look him up and email him to ascertain if is still building his wonderful balanced matching networks. 

Vince K7NA

Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 09:58:23 -0700
From: "denton" <denton at oregontrail.net>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] "Radiates like Crazy"???? No
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Message-ID: <004d01c584a7$6b48b8a0$0200a8c0 at VIVSDENTON>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

I have also switched back and forth from running Johnson Matchboxes to ant 
tuners with baluns to feed ladderline, and can votch for the below.
Currently running a pair of those old Matchboxes to feed vertical and 
horizontal dipoles with good results.
Is any European manufactures now building true link coupled balanced line 
Would dearly love to secure an Annecke on this side of the pond...

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