[TenTec] 7/20/05: Ten-Tec announces ORION II

A. Sewell n5na at att.net
Wed Jul 20 13:10:17 EDT 2005

I'm a bit surprised that an upgrade can't (won't) be offered for at 
least the processor(s) and possibly the display.  That would be my main 
interest in an upgrade.  Otherwise, as processor technology continues to 
improve, there will be an Orion III, Orion IV, etc. even though the RF 
portion of the rig may not need updating.


Alan N5NA

Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales wrote:

>No upgrade from one to the other. 7 circuit boards, filters, screen, mic jack
>have all changed.  The cost to upgrade one to the other would be prohibitive -
>we've elected not to offer it as an option.
>Scott Robbins

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