[TenTec] 7/20/05: Ten-Tec announces ORION II

Gregory J Knapp gknapp at freshrain.org
Wed Jul 20 13:59:11 EDT 2005

I know I get disappointed when a rig (or car) I have moves on to a new model. Hey, that's just natural.

But I, for one, think its great that Ten Tec is upgrading the Orion to an Orion 2 to provide a color monitor, better filtering options, better firmware, etc., because I'm proud of the way Ten Tec is always at the CUTTING EDGE of technology, providing the most outstanding features to us at about HALF the price of its competitors! Would you expect less from Ten Tec? 

They have not abandoned the Orion 1 owners...Scott makes a point to say the Version 2 firmware will play on it. So, the way I see it, the Orion 1 owners continue to have cutting edge performance in, and firmware upgrades to, their Orion they already paid for, and now, for those who need something more, like color monitors (which the competition has) and better filtering options, Ten Tec gives us that opportunity. 

Greg, N6GK

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