[TenTec] FCC says CW dead

Tommy aldermant at alltel.net
Thu Jul 21 19:32:00 EDT 2005


You have a good argument....for a single case only! Age is not an 
impediment for learning CW. My example is a gentleman, age 84, that I 
talked to Monday night. This gentleman was running at about 15 wpm, 
and he has been a ham for four months!

And it's not an argument about keeping CW or deleting it, CW is, in 
fact, just one of the parts of our hobby that makes it interesting. 
Right, I don't have to take a test on how to push a microphone button 
to become an Extra, so the idea of eliminating CW from the testing 
requirement is not a far fetched idea. I am, right now, a strictly CW 
operator, and by my own choice. But only because it is the only part 
of this hobby that I really enjoy right now.

The dropping of the CW requirement for testing does not bother me. 
What DOES bother me a great deal is in this same FCC NPRN, the 
definition of the amateur service has 'casually' been redefined. The 
amateur service in this NPRN definition, no longer has any ties with 
'emergency' or 'public' service, it is defined as a "hobby". How long 
do you think it's going to take commercial interest to convince the 
FCC to give them the "hobbist" frequencies? To be, that is what WE 
should be concerned about in this NPRN.

Tommy - W4BQF

At Thursday 06:59 PM 7/21/2005, you wrote:
> >
> >Agree.
> >Gosh, any moron can pick up a mike.  Now sending and receiving cw at  30
> >wpm
> >is an art.  CW is ham radio
>agree,  but...   I know of an old man who thought it would be nice to chat
>with people over the radio to occupy his time,  CB seemed a bit rough to
>him, so he thought maybe the ham operators would be good to talk with,  Very
>good ham now but stuck as a no-code tech.  he would like to be on HF to work
>some of the side band and/or RTTY.
>Even though I can send/receive better than 30 and wish all could enjoy it,
>yet, do I want to block this person?
>tough call don't you think?,
>Perhaps the art is as much in getting a good station together for
>communication as much as the method.
>Best wishes,
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com

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