[TenTec] 7/20/05: Ten-Tec announces ORION II
brazos at rochester.rr.com
Thu Jul 21 21:07:32 EDT 2005
very true ! John kb2huk
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Notarius" <wn3vaw at verizon.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 7/20/05: Ten-Tec announces ORION II
> Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that once the O2 hits the market,
> the value of the O1 will be in the neighborhood of $2000 - $2500; after
> it is still (arguably) one of the best rigs on the market, if no longer
> of the line."
> Now, let's consider the (unknown) cost of the circuit boards, filters,
> screen, and jack that need to be replaced. Could it be, say, $1000 to
> $1500, including labor? Or am I guessing low here?
> Regardless, if you have to spend that much or more to upgrade an O1 to an
> O2, you start approaching the point where it makes more sense to sell you
> to someone willing to pay what it's now worth (see paragraph 1 above) and
> invest that money plus the upgrade cost (and maybe a few more bucks,
> depending on what the final price is) into a new O2.
> Further considering that software upgrades will still be available
> indefinitely (right Scott?), the O1 will continue to be a viable rig for
> many years to come.
> Hardly seems like a dead-end, unlike some of the product upgrades from
> others I could mention.
> Yes, it is a bit of a surprise... but really, should it have been? Hasn't
> one of the many gripes with the O1 from almost day one was the lack of a
> color screen? Now we have one. Wasn't there griping a few months back
> about a processor being discontinued? Sounds like it's been replaced.
> Those two factors alone should be a clue that some re-engineering was
> required -- to say nothing of additional improvements (ie the filter
> situation) that users have requested, or that 3rd parties have stepped in
> fill. So the lack of a hardware upgrade is unfortunate, but hardly that
> surprising, once you think things through.
> In short, it sounds like we (the TT user community) have gotten exactly
> we've been asking for; maybe without as much advance notice as we'd have
> liked, but still, we got it. Which is hardly a "screw you" or a blemish
> Ten-Tec's legendary service or support. So what's the problem here?
> 73, ron wn3vaw
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bob Henderson" <bob at cytanet.com.cy>
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 12:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] 7/20/05: Ten-Tec announces ORION II
> > > >Will there be an ORION to ORION II upgrade that we can get?
> > >
> > > No upgrade from one to the other. 7 circuit boards, filters, screen,
> > jack
> > > have all changed. The cost to upgrade one to the other would be
> > prohibitive -
> > > we've elected not to offer it as an option.
> > >
> > > Scott Robbins
> > > W4PA
> >
> > Having invested heavily in Orion and the provision of feedback to Ten
> to
> > aid advancement of the product, these are not the encouraging words I
> > hoped for. This reads very much like a "screw you" and not at all what
> > expected of the legendary Ten Tec customer service.
> >
> > Just now, I'm feeling I have just been appointed to the ranks of the
> > disenfranchised.
> >
> > I am awestruck that Ten Tec is prepared to risk trashing its reputation
> > this way?
> >
> > Bob Henderson, 5B4AGN
> >
> >
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