[TenTec] Corsair III?

GARY HUBER glhuber at msn.com
Fri Jul 22 00:34:54 EDT 2005

How about a new $2000 - $3000 box built around upgraded Corsair II technology? 100 W, full QSK, Dual PTO, Dual Receive, IF shift, Narrow Filters, etc. Keep the digital circuits to minimum except for a Digital Frequency readout and possibly a DSP filter option. 

As far as the receive function of new Ten-Tec transceivers go, I still believe the new boxes have a hard time competing with the Corsairs and Omnis when the DX is S-1 and the pile is up 1 to 5 KHz with many KW's calling. I know Omni VI + and the Orion's have low noise floors and great specs, but I also know what my ears tell me.

Maybe it makes more sense to keep refurbishing and rebuilding the old PTO radios, they provide a lot of satisfaction per dollar. At any rate I doubt that I'll buy an Orion, Orion II, or any rig with a CPU.

Best regards,
Gary - AB9M - www.csm-gh.com<http://www.csm-gh.com/> 

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