[TenTec] FCC says CW dead

Tommy aldermant at alltel.net
Fri Jul 22 06:39:49 EDT 2005

catfish...I'm not nit-picking you here, but the FCC did not say 
either. What they did say in the NPRM was that morse code would no 
longer be a requirement for TESTING for an amateur license. Where 
this MAY lead to is totally up to speculation. Contesting nor CW is a 
requirement for anyone but if anyone thinks CW is anywhere near dead, 
just join, or tune in during just about any of the popular 
contest...it is a LONG way from being a dead mode of choice.

Tommy - W4BQF

At Thursday 07:59 PM 7/21/2005, you wrote:
>The FCC did not say CW is dead, they said  they are considering  dropping it
>as a requirement for use of HF..there is a large  difference.
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