[TenTec] [DX-NEWS] FCC Proposes to Drop Morse Code Requirement for All License Classes

Alan Ames n2ale at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 21 10:40:57 EDT 2005

No, it's not like CB because you can run a 1KW signal (hi hi).  Maybe they'll
keep the 5 wpm code requirement for Extra Class?  Or, maybe this is their
response to the ARRL bandwidth proposals which actually writes "CW" out of part
97 and replaces it with some narrow bandwidth requirement.  Sometimes people
call this effect the "law of unintended consequences".  My experience suggests
perhaps that we have people around who seem to believe that they have a better
idea of how things are to be done.  I haven't seen any meaningful tradeoff for
either of these so far.

-Alan, N2ALE

--- marinxs at webtv.net wrote:

> So tell me again how we respond to a lay person who might be curious
> about the hobby who says "Oh ham radio. You mean like CB?"
> A significant difference no longer exists
> If it is worth having its worth working for
> What next?
> License applications at Radio Shack?
> 73
> Brian
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