[TenTec] 30-day Return Policy
aldermant at alltel.net
Sat Jul 23 10:41:17 EDT 2005
Hi Bernard and thanks for your note.
But Bernard, the information I posted was NOT about me. It was from
another ham, and substantiated by two additional hams who confirmed
to me that they had the same thing happen to them.
No, after 24 months of owning an Orion and about 9 months being a
firmware beta tester, I concluded that Ten Tec did not have the
expertise to get the firmware corrected. My complaints, both to Ten
Tec directly, from the President down to the tech support supervisor,
in addition to all of the complaining I did on the reflector, were
not well received. However Bernard, in one post to the firmware beta
group, specifically stated the prime reason they found out they had
to re-write the core of the firmware was because of the problems I
(and of course others) discovered.
My intention of publishing the 'rest of the story' about the return
policy was not to take a cheap shot at Ten Tec, but to help inform
the rest of the ham community what the proven and unwritten part of
their policy is. I now have six Ten Tec radios, after having sold my
Orion back in January, and these radios work fantastically well,
therefore I personally have no intention of purchasing another Ten
Tec 'new' radio.
Don't get me wrong about the Orion, it is also a good radio. But at
the time I sold mine, it just would not work using the keying loop
and a Ten Tec amplifier. Others got around the problem by either
having, or purchasing a non-Ten Tec amp and not using the keying
loop. My finances did not provide me with that luxury.In addition, as
long as the current management is in place at Ten Tec, I have no
intention of purchasing any more of their new products.
But that's just me!
Tommy - W4BQF
At Saturday 09:38 AM 7/23/2005, you wrote:
> Tommy: not to flame you, but I wonder what the other side of the story
>is? Every time I have seen a story such as yours on this or other
>reflectors, I have been very surprised when the "other" side presents their
> I must admit that, at face value, you have not been fairly treated. If
>the "facts" are correct as you present them, then shame on TenTec!!!!! It
>sounds, from your side, that you had technical rationale for your returns.
> These boards have become very negative since the announcement of the
>Orion II. I have never seen such a big bunch of "cry babies." I didn't see
>any such thing on the ICOM board when the PRO III was announced. Wonder
>why?? And, I wonder how many of the negative comments are really from Orion
>owners? In my strong opinion, there are some non-owners who frequent this
>board who get great delight out of criticizing the Orion.
> In any case, I really hope that TenTec reconsiders that decision and
>sells you an Orion II
> Best of luck.
> 73s,
> Bernard, WA4OEJ
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Tommy" <aldermant at alltel.net>
>To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2005 7:48 AM
>Subject: [TenTec] 30-day Return Policy
> > One of the things we, as hams, have always liked about Ten Tec is
> > their new gear return policy. It has always seemed to be very
> > generous and above board. Ten Tec's 30-day return policy as defined
> > on their web site:
> >
> > "30 day return policy: All new and demo (non-kit) Ten-Tec equipment
> > sold factory direct is sold on a 30 day trial period. If within 30
> > days of purchase you decide not to keep the equipment it may be
> > returned to us for a purchase price refund, less shipping charges.
> > Please call our sales department at (800) 833-7373 or (865) 453-7172
> > and request a return merchandise authorization number - this will
> > greatly speed up the processing of your refund. Return items to
> > Ten-Tec, 1185 Dolly Parton Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862. Include a
> > note with any returned equipment with your name, address, and
> > telephone number and the RMA number. For equipment sold through our
> > international dealers, it is at their discretion to set their own
> > sales and return policies."
> >
> > However, all is not quite as neat and clean as we have always
> > thought. It turns out that if you return a new product under their
> > generous policy, that MAY be reason for them to refuse to sell you
> > another one of their products. In addition, if you give a fair and
> > honest evaluation of their product on eHAM, but it is not a favorable
> > review, or one to their liking, this too, may be reason for them to
> > refuse to sell you another radio.
> >
> > As I already have enough good Ten Tec radios, this will not affect me
> > personally, however I think it is important for all of the ham
> > community to know how this 30-day return policy really works. Again,
> > buyer beware! I have permission from the writer of these email to
> > reproduce this:
> >
> > "xxx, you and I are not the only ones who have been given the cold
> > shoulder by T-T. I have talked to others today who had a similar
> > experience. Here is my response to T-T sent to them just now. You
> > can share it with your friends if you wish.
> >
> > Why Stan, I am profoundly disappointed in you and T-T for taking this
> > attitude and refusing to sell me an Orion 2. Sour grapes Stan or
> > lack of faith in the reliability and performance of your
> > products? Not only is your refusal to sell me the Orion 2 in
> > violation of state and federal trade laws it's just bad form to treat
> > a fellow ham in this manner. Because T-T doesn't care to make public
> > their hidden policy of rejecting purchase orders based on
> > unsatisfactory reviews of their equipment or services appearing on
> > such media as eHam I have decided to share your response with our
> > fellow amateurs on the ham bands, most of whom by the way have
> > responded with "I told you so" or "we had similar problems with T-T".
> >
> > I will be looking for you at the next Dayton Hamvention Stan.
> >
> > Until then Stan, sit down, take a pill, and have a nice day...
> >
> > xxx
> >
> >
> >
> > Subject: RE: Icom 7800
> >
> > HI xxxx, what a pleasure to hear from you again. I haven't been on
> > 40m lately due mainly to a combination of band conditions and QRN in
> > this area from summer storms. In addition, I have been tied up
> > selling our second home down in xxxxxxxxxxx.
> >
> > Yes, I decided to put my 7800 up for sale in order to buy either an
> > FTDX-9000 or the new Orion 2. The 7800 is a wonderful radio but I
> > just wanted to try something else and I was caught up with the hype
> > on the Orion 2 and sent in my order for one this morning. Guess what
> > came back a few hours later? You won't believe this but below is a
> > cut and past of the reply I got from Stan Brock at T-T:
> >
> > Dear xxx:
> >
> > We thank you for your interest in the new Ten-Tec Orion II. I am
> > sorry, because
> > of previous RMA's and eham reviews we are unable to provide the style of
> > radio which will meet your requirements. Your order has been deleted.
> >
> > 73,
> > Stan Brock, WD0BGS
> > Amateur Radio Sales
> >
> > A couple of years ago I ordered one of their Jupiter transceivers
> > only to find out after it arrived that it had performance
> > problems. I called TT and discussed the issues and they said to
> > return it and they would replace it. They did that with another
> > Jupiter only this time the receiver in that Jupiter was found to have
> > lots of birdies and very poor sensitivity on the 17m-10m bands. I
> > sent it back asking for a refund under their 30 return policy. Thus
> > the RMAs their talking about. I made the mistake (??) of giving them
> > a rather poor review on eHam and apparently they are holding this
> > against me now and refusing now to sell me an Orion 2. xxxx, you
> > don't want to hear what I now think about T-T's management and their
> > products. I think what they have done is not only in violation of
> > state and federal trade laws it is simply bad form to snub a fellow
> > amateur. Oh well, live and learn. They just bought themselves a
> > load of bad publicity if anyone ever asks me about T-T.
> >
> >
> >
> > So, there you have it xxxx. I guess some guys like me are never
> > satisfied. hi hi.
> >
> > CU on the bands and till then 73,
> >
> > Xxx XXXXX
> >
> >
> > CW is for REAL hams !
> >
> > Tommy - W4BQF
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