[TenTec] Logical extension of your analysis

Caitlyn M. Martin mizuhoradio at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 24 20:24:40 EDT 2005

--- Jeff Frank <jafrank at nyc.rr.com> wrote:

> Let's make it that you can't use cw unless you 
> are an amateur extra. 

What a truly dreadful idea.

There has been an interesting discussion on the G-QRP
list started by an American ham asking how the lack of
a code requirement has impacted things in the U.K. and
Europe.  The answers have been most enlightening.

First, the world hasn't ended over there.  The bands
are pretty much the same.  The Brits also reports an
*increased* number of newcomers who want to and do, in
fact, learn the code now that it "isn't shoved down
their throats", to quote one post on that list.  They
report a surprisingly large number of no-code
licensees showing up in the CW bands and rapidly
developing their skills.

CW will live on, and it may well thrive, if those who
enjoy it pass along their enjoyment to newcomers.  I
use CW not because I really like the mode as such, but
because it makes otherwise impossible QRP contacts
possible, especially at VHF.  In 2001, at the peak of
worldwide F-layer openings on 6m, I worked Japan on
50.096 CW with a 250mW Mizuho MX-6Z HT.  Yes, it was
attached to my beam.  Still, I NEVER could have done
that with SSB and it's a QSL card and QSO I'll always

QRP is about doing more with less.  That, almost by
definition, means knowing CW.  Experienced VHF weak
signal ops also depend on CW.

So, folks, the world isn't going to end.  The writing
has been on the wall about the end of CW testing for a
long time now...


Caitlyn M. Martin - K7VO
Blog: http://k7vo.blogspot.com
ARRL QRP-ARCI #11018 ARS #445 G-QRP #11577 AK QRP #637

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