[TenTec] frequency stabilization (Orion)

Duane - N9DG n9dg at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 27 18:07:56 EDT 2005

You might want to look at this:


I don't know much about the details of this kit since I've
only quickly scanned through the web page myself. Also don't
know if it will work down to 45.5 MHz and/or if it will play
nicely with TCXO or not.


--- "Martin, AA6E" <martin.ewing at gmail.com> wrote:

> Now for something completely different.
> I've been trying to tweak my Orion TCXO to get it more
> accurate after
> warmup.  I have had some success, getting it to come within
> 0.4 ppm (4
> Hz at 10 MHz) or so, at least until the seasons change. 
> This should
> be good enough for mortals like me, but can we do better?
> There was a lot of discussion on this reflector a couple of
> years ago
> about stability.  No need to rehash that.  I can see that
> one could
> make improvements by cooling/ventilating the synthesizer
> compartment
> better and/or by ovenizing the TCXO.
> I am wondering if anyone has succeeded in slaving the Orion
> to an
> external oscillator (GPS or otherwise).  Is there a
> write-up anywhere?
> I am having a senior moment.  I recall having read about a
> more or
> less universal frequency stabilization module that can lock
> to (or
> provide an error signal) for your oscillator at say 44.55
> MHz against
> your 10 MHz standard.  This was not too long ago, but I
> cannot find
> the reference any more.  Sounds like a QEX thing.   Anybody
> have a
> pointer?
> 73 Martin AA6E
> -- 
> martin.ewing at gmail.com
> http://blog.aa6e.net

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