[TenTec] 30 day Return Policy

HUGHESRO ROGERH at realtracs.com
Wed Jul 27 22:20:41 EDT 2005

i agree mike. let a ham friend buy him a new orion 2 and lets get over this and move on to TT radios. this and the nprm has gotten to much bandwidth. imho, roger
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Mike Bryce <prosolar at sssnet.com>
Reply-To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Date:  Wed, 27 Jul 2005 13:23:04 -0400

>Well I can understand TT point of view. Allow me to explain:
>I manufacture and  sell solar electric systems and controls.
>It's just a hobby for me, but I've been into this stuff since 1978.
>A few years ago at the dayton hamvention some guy came up to my booth 
>and promptly started to bitch and moan about my products. The design 
>was wrong, the cases where out of style and the color sucked. And as he 
>went on, complained about everything from the way the color codes of 
>the resistors were laid out on the pcb to the color of the connectors. 
>At first I thought he was just a paid heckler, but soon found out he 
>was dead serious. "I have an electronic engineering degree and I have 
>never seen such bad design." and on and on he went.
>Had the room not been full of people, and if I had a baseball bat, I 
>would have beat him to a bloody pulp. He was really pissing me off big 
>After about then minutes of this, he looked down on the table and saw 
>one of my new controllers. He opened his wallet and pulled out some 
>I refused to sell it to him. Boy talked about po!!
>He went into threats about calling the company president and 
>complaining about the way he was being treated and for me for not 
>selling him one of our products.
>You should have seen his face when I told him I WAS the president.
>I choose not to sell him one of my products because I could.
>So, if there is someone that keeps poking you in the eye, you don't 
>give (or sell) them a new stick to poke you in the eye one more time.
>No matter how flat you make a pancake, there's always two sides, from 
>my side, I can understand TT position.
>The Jupiter has been out for sometime, and he is still spitting nails 
>over the way TT handled things. Sometimes you just can't make everyone 
>Mike, WB8VGE
>SunLight Energy Systems
>The Heathkit Shop
>On Jul 27, 2005, at 12:57 PM, Adam N. wrote:
>> As a TT user, I think it's folly for TT to try to limit who buys their
>> radios as doing so will not keep the radios out of the so-called
>> malcontents' hands, and will only serve to build further animosity and
>> open letters like the one that spawned this thread.  If TT's policy is
>> "One 30-day return per customer" then it should be so published.
>> 73,
>> Adam N.
>> N4EKV
>> Lafayette, CA
>> www.n4ekv.com
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