[TenTec] 30 day Return Policy

Tommy aldermant at alltel.net
Wed Jul 27 23:38:58 EDT 2005

At Wednesday 04:49 PM 7/27/2005, you wrote:
>Bull.  I know the Reviews editor personally, and he'd rather leave a
>negative posting than kill it. If I remember correctly, the only reason
>he will delete a negative posting is if the reviewer never owned the
>radio and was posting 2nd or 3rd hand information.  There may be another
>reason having to do with potential libel or other issues, but he does not
>delete negative reviews because they're negative.  Look around eham -
>you'll find LOTS of negative reviews. (And he is no lover of TT,
>especially after a bunch of TT defenders got on his case about some
>negative reviews - he has a rather unflattering opinion of TT
>         73, Duane
I don't know him personally but certainly have no reason what so ever 
to doubt his honesty and dedication in moderating that board. I 
believe it is true that if you post one review on one specific 
product, and then post a second review on that same product, you 
initial post will be deleted. Which I also totally agree with.

Tommy - W4BQF 

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