[TenTec] Horizontal loop for 80m

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at qsl.net
Sun Jun 5 09:23:18 EDT 2005

SGC sells such a loop for portable use. I don't know how well it works. 
Probably not as good as a full size loop but no doubt much better than 
the miniature single turn loops. The multiturn loop have been used 
successfully for 80 and 160 meter reception.


			Bob WB2VUF

Able2fly at aol.com wrote:

> Has anyone ever  tried a multi turn horizontal loop for HF  transmission and 
> reception? I can't recall having heard mention of anything like  that being 
> done. I'm talking about 2 or 3 closely spaced turns that resonate on  (say) 80 
> meters, at a height of 25 ft or so. I guess if it were feasible, people  would 
> be doing it. I know I could just give it a try, but thought I'd ask  here 
> first in case I am considering trying  something previously proven not to work...
> Thanks
> Bill  K3UJ
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