[TenTec] Thanks to all .....

Caitlyn M. Martin mizuhoradio at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 11 22:46:22 EDT 2005

Hi, Bob, and everyone else,

--- bob tadlock <res0tsxi at verizon.net> wrote:

> And to
> think .. I was getting bored and looking at new
> radios  .    WD6GLA

Well... I bought a new radio (Ten Tec Argonaut V a/k/a
516) at Dayton and I have no regrets.  It's pretty
amazing what Ten Tec has managed in that little box. 
If you ever get a chance to play with one you may
decide a new radio is still worthwhile.


Caitlyn M. Martin - K7VO
Blog: http://k7vo.blogspot.com
ARRL QRP-ARCI #11018 ARS #445 G-QRP #11577 AK QRP #637

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