[TenTec] Omni VI Plus has Missing Manual Pages

Maxwell Moon maxmoon at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 22 17:10:25 EDT 2005


I need copies of 3 Omni VI Plus manual pages and hope somebody out there has the time & means to scan & send them to me as an e-mail attachment. (If or When I receive them, I'll immediately post another message cancelling my request.)

The pages are from Chapter IV (“Circuit Descriptions & Illustrations”) of the Omni VI Plus manual. These are the pages that comprise “Paragraph” 4-5. They cover the 9 MHz Mixer / IF Board and describe it verbally, include a photograph, and also a schematic. I believe the page numbers are 4-11, 4-12, and 4-13 (although there could be a fourth page).

I have an Omni VI with the Option 3 upgrade. However, the manual was never upgraded to an Omni VI Plus so it still shows the board in question with just one narrow filter, not two.

This has become a problem because I’m doing the Inrad roofing filter mods don’t know how to set up the jumpers JG1 and JG2. I fell into the trap I now see is obvious: in order to remove the 9 MHz filters I had to take out both jumpers. Now that I want to replace them, I see that my manual is “out of date” & I can’t find even a hint of how the jumpers should be plugged in.

Thanks very much & 73,

Max, k0max
maxmoon at earthlink dot net

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