[TenTec] re should i buy an orion now

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Wed Jun 22 20:27:39 EDT 2005

We don't help anyone if they come asking for experiences with the Orion
and all they receive back is a litany problems, many of which may no
longer be relevant.  From that perspective, if everyone with an Orion
were to give one response, both those with negative and those with
positive experiences, then they might get a representative view.  It will
never happen on this reflector, as it's currently constituted.  I'm
fairly picky, I'm an EE, have used a number of high-end radios, and I
have had zero problems with my Orion.  But, according to your measure, my
experience is not useful to someone looking for experience with the
radio.  Sorry, doesn't wash.  Maybe that is why this reflector has grown
so many "defenders" when some of the issue reporting is done as if it is
the author's vendetta (not aimed at you, Tommy) instead of being a
dispassionate reporter of a problem the person has uncovered.  (Or, this
may be a chicken / egg problem?  Which came first?  - That's a rhetorical
question - i.e., it doesn't require an answer on the reflector!)

        73,  Duane   

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 20:02:37 -0400 "Tommy" <aldermant at alltel.net> writes:
> No CATFISHWO, I don't think you offended anyone, at least not me.
> This reflector certainly IS for discussing Ten Tec equipment. Part 
> of the
> problem is, however, if ANYONE say's any part of Ten Tec gear does 
> not
> perform well, that comment is considered 'Ten Tec bashing' and I 
> propose to
> you that it certainly is NOT. As one gentleman just stated, no piece 
> of
> manufactured equipment is perfect. So why is it such a big deal if 
> someone
> relates the problem(s) they have with a piece of Ten Tec gear? Isn't 
> it best
> that BOTH the pro and con's are expressed? Folks come on this 
> reflector and
> ask for others experiences with certain radios, are we helping 
> those
> prospective buyers by saying "I've got an Orion from the original 
> production
> run and never had any problem"? In my opinion, NO!
> Yes, the Orion is a very good radio BUT it still has firmware issues 
> that
> Ten Tec is still trying to correct. In my opinion, once these 
> firmware
> issues are corrected, the Orion will be a great radio. Until then, 
> I
> personally, continue to enjoy my Omin 6 Plus and Titan 3, without 
> having to
> do any master resets daily.
> Tommy
> On Behalf Of CATFISHTWO at aol.com
> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:43 PM
> Cc: CATFISHTWO at aol.com
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] re should i buy an orion now
> Well, I guess you told me.. by golly,  my point is not the fact  
> whether it
> has a first dit hickup or not  the point I was trying to make is  on 
> a scale
> of
> 1 to 100  this is a 0 or maybe a 1  but it sounds like a  major 
> fault to
> someone who does not know.
>  I know I am a relative new Orion owner, but also have 7 other hf 
> rigs
> currently , put in 8 years in the military in electronics 
> countermeasures
> repair,
> and actually know which end of the soldering pencil to hold.
> Bottom line is the orion is a darn good rig, and the constant bashing 
> on
> the
> reflector may be scaring away folks who are thinking about buying 
> one.
> And my good old 756 works pretty darn well too, especially with the 
> 2-KL
> and
> the AT-500 on the Steppir, but that is set up for a different 
> purpose, part
> of a multi place contest station. The Orion is mainly set up for DX 
> and rag
> chew, and to play with as a SDR.
> My appoligies if I offended you my friend, But there are certainly 
> more
> important things in life than this reflector.  If I contiunue to 
> get
> harrassed
> for stating my opinion I may just sign off, or I may get on and 
> defend  my
> case,
> I haven't decided yet.
> The purpose of this TEN TEC reflector is to discus TEN TEC equipment 
> in
> general, not just to bash Orions, but since I have been on,  that is 
> about
> all I
> have seen.
> So I shall monitor for a bit more and see how it goes, I am so sorry 
> if my
> statements are all that incorrect......  tom N6AJR
> that's November  six  All Junk Radio..
> 73 and gud DX
> In a message dated 6/22/2005 11:10:08 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> aldermant at alltel.net writes:
> Did you  bring CATFISHWO with you?
> I don't think you have a clue what you are  saying. I am the 
> 'fellow' who
> actually measured the jitter on the Orion. I  have never said it 
> happens on
> ANY other radio. My three Omni 6 rigs  certainly do not have it and 
> my Icom
> IC-781 does not have it and my Corsair  II does not have it.
> CW in the Orion is generated in DSP, in case you  don't recognize 
> that, it
> means DIGITAL...so certainly its going to have  jitter as I 
> described due to
> timing issues. As I said, it is there but it  is NOT a problem as it 
> can not
> be detected on the air. It was  discussed...YOU are the only one 
> making an
> issue out of it. If I had to  guess, and I don't, I would most 
> likely come
> up
> with the conclusion that  you don't even know how to operate an 
> oscilloscope
> to run the test for your  self, so why are you commenting on it?
> How dare you compare an Orion to  those rigs...heck they are not 
> even in the
> class with the Orion. OF COURSE  the Orion is better than those that 
> you
> listed. There is no other amateur  radio in the in the Orion's 
> class, as far
> as performance is concerned, for  you to compare the Orion to.
> A lot of these folk here that have had  their Orion for a long 
> enough period
> of time that they have decided for  themselves whether or not the 
> Orion is
> or
> is not the radio for them and  most of them generated their 
> conclusion from
> actual on-the-air  performance.
> Tommy
> -----Original  Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com  
> [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of  CATFISHTWO at aol.com
> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:11 PM
> To:  doon at infoscientific.com; tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] re  should i buy an orion now
> But there in lies the problem, in the  current configuration, this 
> "marginal
> product" is about twicce a good  as most of the rigs from the "big 
> three"
> and
> if  you compare it to  stuff like the ft-840 or a ic 720/ 730 or 735 
> or a ts
> 930,  then those  come off as junk and the orion is  a cream puff.  
> Like  I
> said
> before, all the noise made on this reflector is about stuff   that 
> is a  1
> or
> a
> 2 on a scale of 1 to 100.
> Like the fellow  stating the unstable leading edge wave of the 
> "first  dit"
> on the  orion.  Well later he states this is happening on every  
> radio
> that
> sends CW and the Orion has the least amount of distortion, and   by 
> the way
> you
> can only see it on a scope, you can not hear it at  all.
> Now this is not a problem, but was treated here as a major fault  in 
> the
> orion for about 3 days on the reflector, and actually the Orion has  
> less of
> this
> than any other rig..  but I am sure it turned some  folks off on the 
>  radio.
> don't belive everything you see on this  reflector. some of it is 
> opinions
> only and you know what they say about  opinions....
> tom N6AJR
> n a message dated 6/22/2005  9:40:22 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> doon at infoscientific.com  writes:
> If,  however,  the industry offers quality products -  and they 
> will, make
> no mistake - then we are on the verge of a revolution  in radio
> technology.  However, TT has yet, in my opinion, to make the  Orion 
> a
> *true* quality product. Imagine what would happen to Amateur sales  
> if
> one of the Big-3 (Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood) offered a radio with the  
> quirks
> of Orion? - that company's reputation would be tarnished and all of  
> the
> hard work they put into getting people loyal to their brand may  
> have
> been for naught - and that may well be happening to TT unless v2 of  
> the
> Orion firmware works as promised. A company can only peddle a  
> marginal
> product for so long; consumers aren't stupid, brand loyalty only  
> goes so
> far.  Make no mistake, most of TTs current products are  
> outstanding.
> Take their RX-340 for example - a true world-class HF receiver  
> (and
> SDR). The Orion, well, it still needs work after 2+   years.
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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