[TenTec] browser issues for viewing

Caitlyn M. Martin mizuhoradio at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 1 16:59:56 EST 2005

Hi, Ron, Reed, and everyone else,

Yes, I know Linux and have for about 10 years now,.  I
do UNIX/Linux administration and information security
work for a living.
> Ron - I'm a 'newbie' at Linux myself, but there are
> at least two Linux distributions that will run 
> entirely from a CD

Actually, I know of at least seven.  Better yet there
is one with ham radio applications already in place
(AR Knoppix) and another with ham radio "extensions"
by KE4NT, Damn Small Linux.  The latter would have to
be installed to the hard drive in order to then
install the extensions (really software packages).
> enabling you to "test drive" 
> Linux without actually installing anything onto your
> hard drive. If you like it, you can then install it
> alongside Windows (It will create its own 
> partition), OR if you really like it, you can elect
> to re-partition the entire disk for Linux.

I am happily Microsoft-free and have been for many,
many years :)  

The easiest distro for newbies to try this with is
probably Mandrake Move.  It uses KDE as it's desktop
by default so it's pretty Windows user friendly.  It
does require lots of memory, though, and a pretty fast
processor, where mini distros like Damn SMall Linux
(DSL) do not.


Caitlyn M. Martin - K7VO
Blog: http://k7vo.blogspot.com
ARRL QRP-ARCI #11018 ARS #445 G-QRP #11577 AK QRP #637

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