[TenTec] ORION V OMNI VI+ CW loudness comparison

HENRY PFIZENMAYER pfizenmayer at worldnet.att.net
Wed Mar 2 10:42:05 EST 2005

Never had an Omni - but the relay in my new ORION is LOUD ! Have a feeling
some are quieter due some subltle change in mounting - would never have
believed a reed relay would be this loud .   Hank K7HP

>  I have an OMNI VI+ and an ORION. When running CW on the VI+ I can't hear
the keying relay when sending. On the ORION, when sending CW the keying
relay is -loud-. As an example, if I put my ear close to the OMNI I hear it
as a very faint click. Same ear as close to the ORION it sounds like someone
tapping on the desk with a pencil. Or, when using headphones the OMNI is
silent CW, the ORION is not.

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