[TenTec] Ten-Tec Triton 540 Output SSB output question

Mike Brown k9mi at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 7 12:48:28 EST 2005

David, that was a great rig, of course with some age on it now. I bought 
mine new in '81 and kept it probably a year. I had a friend that wanted it 
really bad since the receiver was so quiet, so I ended up selling it to him. 
I think it was a few years later I bought a 544 with matching PS and remote 
VFO. If Ten Tec still works on them, they can probably bring it back to tip 
top shape. It should be putting out 100 watts, and you should be able to get 
the little ALC light to light up on SSB. The best mics I found for the 
540/544 where non amplified D 104's on Shure 444. There are probably a lot 
others. I bought my 540 after passing my General test at the Murrah building 
in '81, and sold my Century 21. I'm sure once fixed, you'll enjoy the Triton 

73, Mike K9MI

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Stansell" <daves1 at bellsouth.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 17:22
Subject: [TenTec] Ten-Tec Triton 540 Output SSB output question

>I have bought a Triton 540 HF Ten-tec rig.  I am a CW buff and was quite 
>impressed with the quietness of this rig.  I have worked a few hams but the 
>output is around 40-50 watts.  Is this normal, or should it do more.  I've 
>mainly been on 40 meters as the PTO is about frozen and it moves ever so 
>slow.  I was told this is a 100 watt rig.  I have an old Johnson mike but 
>get nothing on power out SSB.  Not sure the mike is useable or even wired 
>correctly.  it does seem to key the radio.  Ten-Tec is going to repair the 
>PTO but I would like advice on getting the SSB going.  My first post so I 
>hope it goes good.
> David--W4KA
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