[TenTec] Centurion for sale

John Holliman w5ot at aol.com
Sat Mar 19 12:37:26 EST 2005

This amp is at Ten-Tec factory for refurbishment/repair and will ship
direct from the factory to you, including a factory repair warranty for 
$1350 plus shipping.

Cosmetically a 9.5 out of 10. Operationally, a 10 with unsurpassed QSK.
Tubes are 2 year old 3-500ZG with about 40-50 hours use. This is my
backup amp and received very little use. Front Panel matches the Omni
VI/Paragon series.

Fellows, this is a great amp.  Please don't make me put it on Ebay.

73 de John, WA5TWL

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