[TenTec] T/R Relay on Paragon

Steve N4LQ n4lq at iglou.com
Sun Mar 20 16:13:51 EST 2005

I usually pop off the relay's plastic case and jam a paper match stem 
betweent the contacts to keep them from moving. This makes it easy to retro.
Steve Ellington
N4LQ at iglou.com
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "NZ8J" <nz8j at woh.rr.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] T/R Relay on Paragon

> Jim,
> I've just clipped one leg of the driver transistor located adjacent to the
> relay itself on several TT rigs over the years. It is a simple matter to 
> put
> a drop of solder on it again if you want to re-enable the relay... Not 
> very
> elegant, but worked for me..
> 73
> Tim
> Nz8J
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <We5f at aol.com>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 12:36 AM
> Subject: [TenTec] T/R Relay on Paragon
>> Hello:
>> I'm sure this question has been asked/answered before, but I'm new to 
>> this
>> list and could use some help.  I have a Paragon 1 with the Giehl chip,
> version
>> 3.0.
>> Is there a simple way to defeat the auxiliary T/R switching relay RLY 1 
>> on
> my
>> Paragon?  I will never need to switch an external amplifier, and the
> clicking
>> is annoying when operating CW QSK.  Could I clip the ground lead on the
> pot
>> to defeat the relay?  If I can't defeat it, is there a way to increase 
>> the
>> delay?  It's controlled by R33, a 100kOhm pot on the control board. 
>> Would
> going
>> to a 10 kOhm pot increase the delay to at least 3 seconds?
>> Thanks for the help!  73, Jim K5HO
>> --------------
>> Nunquam secundum.
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