[TenTec] OT: It's a pity

Ed w3nr at comcast.net
Tue Mar 22 16:46:58 EST 2005

Martin Ewing wrote:
> I sympathize with the wish to share.  On the other hand, it's a
> copyrighted and restricted article.  I wonder where the line on "fair
> use" is drawn in Newington.  Sending someone a copy is much less an
> issue than posting it on your website for the world, but a lawyer
> might not agree.
> 73, Martin AA6E
> On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 16:22:40 -0500, Ed <w3nr at comcast.net> wrote:
>>Larry Keith wrote:
>>>It's a pity that he just didn't ask for a copy of the article..  Someone
>>>might have downloaded it and e-mailed it to him.
>>Already on the way to him. I always thought that part of being a ham was
>>to share information. Any others needing a copy please feel free to ask,
>>I'll gladly send you a copy via email.
>>Ed W3NR

As my beloved Grandpa would have said " I don't give a rats patooey". 
Its a product review article, not the plans for an atomic bomb. I'll bet 
TT even has a downloaded reprint floating around.


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