[TenTec] PTO non-rebuild solution

w8au@sssnet.com w8au at sssnet.com
Thu Mar 24 22:35:34 EST 2005

At 05:27 PM 3/24/05, dbp at tds.net wrote:
>  I have had great success bathung the PTO mechanism in "Tri-Flo" bicycle 
> chain lubricant. I have squirted it in the PTO until it has washed out 
> all the old grease, and let it drain onto newspaper over nite before 
> reassembling. By then it is well lubed. Lots easier than a rebiuld, 
> unless you are a purist.
>  Has anyone who has tried this method found any fault i.e. components 
> value changing, I haven't.

I concur.  I have used Tri-flow on three PTO's now and have not had to 
re-do any of them since.  I do an alcohol drip first to loosen everything, 
let that evaporate, and then do the Tri-flow injection.  I don't think I 
use as much tri-flow as does Dave, but apparently Tri-flow by itself is 
enough to handle the problem.

Perry   w8au 

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