[TenTec] New Radio Day in Georgia..

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Wed Mar 30 23:26:23 EST 2005

Enjoy it.  I mistakenly sold mine, and now am trying to use an IC-706 on
6m.  It's not nearly as much fun, and has to have a perfect match before
it puts out power.  The 6n2 had better ears, and hardly cared about the
match.  Sigh.

        73,  Duane

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 16:04:55 -0500 "Larry Keith" <kq4by at rocketmail.com>
> My new (to me!) Ten Tec 6N2 transceiver showed up, today, and is 
> currently
> undergoing checkout while I read the instructions!
> It will look good, next to the Scout, on the shelf above the Triton 
> IV.
> Does anyone have any words of wisdom or information to share 
> regarding this
> rig?
> 73,
> Larry
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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