[TenTec] TVI partially solved?

G.C. g.crosta at tin.it
Mon May 2 16:04:51 EDT 2005

Hi dear friends,

following your suggestions and after some initial tests it seems I "partially" solved the TVI troubles!
First of all I put two toroidal cores just before the RTX DC input and add also the ground wire to the power supply.
Only for tests I use two "generic" splitted cores about 1" in diameter. They are "scrap" type from my junk box.
Now after these encouraging tests I will buy a proper type cores as suggest by Martin, Jerry and other.
Next step should be to test the car battery power supply instead of the AC PS to see for further improvements.
Using this setup I cancel all the TVI from all freq except from the 15 mt = 21 Mhz = 1/3 of the first TV freq about 62 MHz.

I'll inform you during the next days.


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