[TenTec] comparing ten tec transceivers to ten tec transceivers

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Sun May 15 14:03:31 EDT 2005


yesterday I had some extra goof off time in the shack.

I connected my Jupiter, Argonaut V and an old Ten Tec Delta II to the 
same antenna via a coax switch.

I found a weak signal on 18.156.10 mHz.

tuned all three to the same frequency. Here's what I noticed.

The jupiter could just barely hear the signal. No s-meter at all. The 
audio had to be up to 96% to hear the guy. At normal operating audio 
levels, you would have tuned right through this station not knowing he 
was on the the air.

The Argonaut V was showing a solid S-3 signal and you could hear and 
understand every word he said

The Delta II knew the something was there, but you could not get enough 
audio to understand what was being said.

SInce the audio drive on the Jupiter had to be up to almost 100% to 
recover audio, had this signal been CW, the sidetone would have made 
your ears bleed without turning the audio drive down first. That would 
have been most unpleasant.

I was surprised how well the Argonaut V heard the same station. 
Especially when you consider the Argonaut V is alleged to have the same 
basic receiver design as the Jupiter.

I was also surprised how badly the Delta II did.

I do not own any Icom, Kenwood, or Yaesu equipment to compare my ten 
tec radios with using the same test.

I do know, the Jupiter's receiver performance is a real let down on 
anything above 14 mHz.

It sure would be nice to see ten tec come out with something better 
than the Jupiter, but less than the Orion.

mike, wb8vge

Mike, WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems
The Heathkit Shop


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