[TenTec] W8KC 7.040 Audio stream back up!

Paul Valko prvalko at comcast.net
Thu May 19 19:14:23 EDT 2005

Some kind soul sent me an email asking if my audio stream was down.


It was.


Unfortunately, I didn't see his email until a few moments ago, and the
stream croaked on the 16th!

73! =paul= W8KC -- Collector of Ten*Tecs and other fine plastics.

Visit the Virtual Ten*Tec Museum at  <http://mywebpages.comcast.net/w8kc>

Listen to 7.040 MHz from anywhere with Media Player v9
<http://www.w8kc.com/stream.asx> http://www.w8kc.com/stream.asx


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