[TenTec] Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
John L Merrill
jmerrill1 at adelphia.net
Sat May 28 14:03:43 EDT 2005
You can search back in the archives but here is the decoding of serial
numbers. Be careful of the last number. 9 could mean 1989 0r 1999. 2 could
mean 1992 or 2002, etc., but common sense will tell you what year it is if
you know the progression of the radios. ParagonIIs were made after the
OmniVs first came out.
John N1JM
From an old email from Scott, W4PA:
Example: Serial Number 06A10108
06 at the front is month of manufacture, or scheduled production run
month. If we were scheduled to build a run of a particular model in
June, and for some reason we were delayed to July or August for that
particular run, we'd still put "06" at the front of the serial
number. "A" is a separator between the groups of digits. "1" is the
production run # for that particular month. "010" is the unit
number. "8" is the year of manufacture.
1. Omni VI Plus s/n 06A10108
06 = June
A = separator
1 = production run # for that particular month
010 = unit #
8 = year of manufacture
Unit #10 of production run #1 from June, 1998.
2. Model 238 Tuner s/n 41A10349
41 = April
A = separator
1 = production run # for that particular month
034 = unit #
9 = year of manufacture
Unit #34 of production run #1 from April, 1989.
3. Model 420 Amplifier s/n 5B10053
5 = May
B = separator
1 = production run # for that particular month
005 = unit #
3 = year of manufacture
Unit #5 of production run #1 from May, 1993
4. Model 9420 Power Supply s/n 12A10082
12 = December
A = separator
1 = production run # for that particular month
008 = unit #
2 = year of manufacture
Unit #8 of production run #1 from December, 1992
5. Model 961 Power Supply s/n 41A10019
41 = April
A = separator
1 = production run # for that particular month
01 = unit #
9 = year of manufacture
Unit #1 of production run #1 from April, 1989
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-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of ve1bn at ns.sympatico.ca
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 1:26 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: [TenTec] Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
<tentec at contesting.com>
Am curious. John, N1JM, indicates that the Jim's (K5HO) OMNI V, Serial
# 94A10059, appears to have been manufactured in April 1989.
Is there an accurate means of determining when a T-T rig has been made?
I have a PARAGON II that has Serial # 05A10104. These came off the
assembly line before the OMNI V's. According to the way you suggested,
John, it would have come off the line in 1994. This seems reasonable. I
rather believe 1994 as the correct year. It came out a few years after
the original Paragon was produced.
I also have an OMNI 6 Plus, Serial # 10A10559. Does this mean it was made
in 1989? I doubt it. Probably 1999. This design followed the OMNI 6 which
was produced after the OMNI 5.
Anyone have any input to aid setting all this straight? As I mentioned, I
curious how the serial number codes apply to these rigs.
73 to all - Don, ve1bn at ns.sympatico.ca
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