[TenTec] repairs

GARY HUBER glhuber at msn.com
Mon Nov 28 08:01:20 EST 2005

Your PA is drawing too much current for whatever reason. Use a TT 961 PS to protect the PA or put a similar "fast cycle" 22 Amp breaker in line. 

I've been running either an Omni D, Paragon II, Corsair II,  or OMNI VI+ for over 25 years.  I always used a matching TT power supply and never had a PA problem although the PS circuit breaker "popped" many times when I made a mistake on tune up. 


Gary - AB9M
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Larry DiGioia<mailto:listacct at longwire.com> 
  To: tentec at contesting.com<mailto:tentec at contesting.com> 
  Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 9:30 PM
  Subject: [TenTec] repairs

  OK, guys, I normally consider myself a pretty patient guy. But this is 
  getting to be a bit much.

  I have sent my OmniVI Plus back to the factory 3 times in one year. Each 
  time for (roughly) the same problem: the transmitter keeps blowing out. 
  After the second time, I set myself up with the best antenna tuners that 
  money can buy, just in case it was my fault. As of now, I really don't 
  think it was.

  Each time, I am able to operate for a short time, a few hours, before 
  something gives, and the transmitter is then only able to go into some 
  kind of oscillation where it pegs the current meter after advancing the 
  power level up past a couple of watts. This happens while slowly and 
  carefully advancing the power control in preparation for tuning up.

  It happened again today. This time around, I was able to run 80m during 
  sweepstakes a few weeks ago for several hours, and that is the only time 
  I have had the radio on since getting it back. Then I tried to tune up 
  on 20m this morning, and <poof>.

  To their credit, they have replaced many components, last time at no 
  charge. But this will be the second DX season that I have missed due to 
  the average 4 to 6-week turnaround on repairs - (had to use my spare 
  Yaesu rig for cqww, ugh.)

  I really like Ten-Tec equipment, but I am rapidly losing faith. It is as 
  if they are just putting band-aids on the problem, instead of actually 
  fixing what is wrong. I have heard, for example, that certain parts for 
  the Omni's are simply unavailable, is there any truth to that?

  I would really hate to become one of the rice-burner users, but what is 
  my alternative? Any others with similar experiences? Any suggestions 
  appreciated, thanks.

  Larry  N8KU

   w w w . l o n g w i r e . c o m
      100% CW     100% HF

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