[TenTec] Dual monitor on Orion

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Fri Oct 14 10:26:43 EDT 2005

I just sent Bob a note offline saying the same thing.  I find keeping the
DX station "front and center" by routing the MainRX to both ears helps me
better hear him under the cops/lids.  I route the SubRX to one ear only
so I can manage the pileup with that.  Works great for me, and I find
that flexibility in routing the RX audio in the Orion to be very useful.

        73,  Duane    AC5AA

On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 00:44:26 EDT K4IA at aol.com writes:
> Or
> You can have both audios in one ear and one audio in the other.  I  
> find this 
> helpful to locate the pile and the DX.  The DX sounds stronger  when 
> heard in 
> both ears.  
> k4ia
> Craig  "Buck"
> Fredericksburg, Virginia USA
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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