[TenTec] What's going on with the O2?

Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales sales at tentec.com
Fri Oct 14 10:55:12 EDT 2005

David S.McCallum wrote:
> Jim or the group what have I missed on the O-II? 

We're a bit behind where we'd thought we'd be for getting them shipped.

Still working on V.2 of the original Orion firmware.

The rigs out on the line for the first production run are about 80% 
built.  We're late
on building a couple of the circuit boards, the firmware is still being 
touched up,
and (only partially related) we're using a lot of production time to 
build military
gear over the next couple of weeks.

Nevertheless - we're optimistic about getting the first ones shipped by 
the end of
October.  Keeping my fingers crossed . . . .

Scott Robbins, W4PA
Amateur Radio Product Manager, Ten-Tec, Inc.

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