[TenTec] 1 day sale on used/demo original Orion on 9/30/05

Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales sales at tentec.com
Thu Sep 22 09:52:47 EDT 2005


The below was posted to our website this morning.  If you're thinking 
about a used or demo original Orion, we hope to hear from you on Friday, 
September 30.

Scott Robbins W4PA
Amateur Radio Product Manager, Ten-Tec, Inc.

The 6th annual Ten-Tec hamfest is Friday, September 30 and Saturday, 
October 1.  Due to the demand for the Orion II transceiver, we have on 
hand a number of demo and used original Orion units plus will be taking 
a large quantity of trade-ins in the coming weeks as the Orion II begins 
shipping.  In conjunction with the hamfest, we will be offering a 
1-day-only discounted sale on used and demo Orion transceivers on 
Friday, September 30 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern time via our (800) 
833-7373 sales line.  Discount pricing for demo units is approximately 
$500 below the last new retail price.  Orion demo unit, no autotuner, 
$2805.  Orion demo unit, with autotuner, $3059.   Discount pricing for 
used units is approximately $1000 below the last new retail price. 
Orion used, no autotuner, $2340.  Orion used with autotuner $2610.  Demo 
units are backed with a 30 day trial period, 1 year parts/labor 
warranty.  Used units are backed with a 10 day trial period, 30 day 
parts/labor warranty.

Should we run out of used Orion transceivers for sale on 9/30, we will 
continue to take orders on that date at the discounted price, as we 
anticipate a huge quantity of trade-ins will be delivered to us in 
October and November.  Your credit card will be charged the sale price 
on 9/30, delivery of transceiver in late October or sometime in November.

The same discounts will be offered in person at the hamfest.  Discounts 
on other new and used Ten-Tec gear aside from the Orion run at the 
annual hamfest will only be available in person.

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