[TenTec] HELP! - Orion stops transmitting

Martin Kratoska marcom at centrum.cz
Sat Apr 15 11:32:22 EDT 2006

While calling S01R on 17 metres CW my Orion failed to transmit. No 
output but relay action seems OK. Tuner does not work, says that ant is 
already tuned up, SWR 1:1.

While tuning the active VFO, strange relay clicks audible from Orion's 
inside (the inactive VFO does nothing). The same clicks can I hear if 
rotating RIT/XIT or trying CUT or PBT/BW adjustments.

This happened with v. 2.056 inside.

The unit seemed quite hot, the cabinet has some 40 degs (Celsius), tremp 
increased if moved my hand towards the fron panel. At the moment of 
transmitter failure the cooling ribs on the PA were quite warm.

I carefully read the manual (twice at least) and all info I collected 
within last year (thinking on my new Orion :-(. Did MASTER RESET several 
times, changed firmware (the history: 1.372 -> 2.056 (this problem) -> 
1.373b5 -> 1.372 -> 2.056 again). The problem persists.

What now?

Martin, OK1RR

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