[TenTec] Rob Sherwood on Orion II

Tommy aldermant at alltel.net
Sun Apr 16 21:03:43 EDT 2006

At Sunday 07:57 PM 4/16/2006, you wrote:
>The Orion II has the highest close-in dynamic range at 1 kHz spacing
>I have ever tested. At 50 kHz and 20 kHz, the dynamic range is
>synthesizer noise limited at 95 dB. At 5 kHz the synthesizer loop is
>quieter, and it measures 97 dB on 3rd order products. At 2 kHz it was
>95 dB with the 600 Hz roofing filter and at 1 kHz it was 95 dB with
>the 300 Hz roofing filter, both on IMD, not phase noise. All tests
>were on 20 meters. There are things I don't like about the Orion II,
>as with the Orion I, but that is true of any radio. There is no
>perfect transceiver. If a near by station is bothering you, and you
>are using an Orion II, it is likely the other guys fault: key clicks,
>transmitted phase noise, SSB splatter, etc. At this point we are at
>the limit due to IMD produced in the roofing filters, at least for
>commercial, affordable products. In general, there is room for
>improvement in the overall product, but not in dynamic range. The
>close-in dynamic range is 10 dB better than most people need most of
>the time. Full test data to be posted soon at www.nc0b.com.
>                          73,  Bill  W4ZV
>Also interesting, however totally 'un-official', is this quoted from 
>the Inrad web pages:

The table below shows the measured third order IMD dynamic range of 
the OMNI VI+
  for its unmodified (OEM) condition, modified with the 600 Hz filter 
and modified with
  the 2400 Hz filter. The improvement is quite dramatic and places 
the Omni VI into
  the group of today's top performing radios.
Tone Spacing   OEM   600 Hz filter   2400Hz filter
2 kHz          79 dB  94 dB           85.5 dB
5 kHz          82.5    97                95.5
10 kHz         86.5    98                96.5
20 kHz         95       97.5             97.5
Tom - W4BQF

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