[TenTec] Reflector is getting effective at killing sales

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Mon Apr 17 12:49:24 EDT 2006

The department that follows up on "picky comments" is different than the 
production department.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rideout Family" <wa6ipd at dslextreme.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Reflector is getting effective at killing sales

> If TT were to follow up on every picky comment on this reflector they
> would never have the time to build radios.  In case people don't know
> they are in business to make a profit.
> Art WA6IPD
>>> Look, here's the deal:  I'm a big supporter of the guys in Sevierville.
>>> That being said, they evidently don't have the resources to:
>>>    1. publish a known bug list
>>>    2. acknowledge to the bug reporter whether or not they have confirmed 
>>> a
>>> reported bug
>>>    3. publically assign bug fix priority or expected fix date
>>>    4. announce expected date of next firmware release and what fixes it 
>>> will
>>> contain
>>> etc. etc.
>>> So what happens is that a large number of Orion owners are left with a 
>>> few
>>> pet bugs that might really annoy them (whether or not they annoy anyone
>>> else) and not the foggiest notion if Ten-Tec even knows about the bug, 
>>> let
>>> alone if/when it will be fixed.  On a periodic basis, the Orion bug 
>>> topic
>>> comes up on the reflector and there can be a natural kneejerk response 
>>> by a
>>> slew of Orion owners to pile on with a complaint about their pet bug.
>>> Because this keeps happening over and over again, it can skew the 
>>> perception
>>> of the Orion toward the negative.
>>> So we're caught in an Orion Groundhog Day until someone figures out how 
>>> to
>>> break the cycle.
>>> 73, Barry N1EU
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