[TenTec] 40 Meter QRM

John Nason jmnason at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 22 09:50:56 EDT 2006

I do not hear this at all, very quiet on the lower
part of 40 hear in Chicago and I use a vertical. 
Could it be the North Koreans up to some skulduggery?

John NA9U

--- Ken Brown <ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net> wrote:

> I a m hearing severe QRM on the bottom end of 40
> meters. All the way 
> from 7000 to 7090. A pulse kind of noise, like maybe
> over the horizon 
> radar. Does not sound like computer or switching
> power supply noise, and 
> does not sound like a local source to me. Anyone
> else hear it? I have no 
> steerable antenna so can not provide a directional
> heading for it. I'm 
> located in Hawaii and can hear it one either my Omni
> VI or my Paragon 
> II. Where can I file an interference report on line?
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