[TenTec] SO2R
Larry Menzel
retire at means.net
Sat Apr 29 13:57:38 EDT 2006
I am using the SO2RMaster from Array Solutions. Unfortunately, he doesn't
make them anymore, but he does support them if you get one. It's first
class all the way. Works with Writelog, CT, NA, and N1MM. Also works with
TR in DOS version. You can find used ones for about $150-200 or so on
QTH.com, eHam, or eBay from time to time.
I can also recommend Top Ten Devices DX Doubler. It appears to be well
made, although I have not hooked it up as yet, I get reports from others
that it works well. I bought it when I thought I couldn't get my SO2RMaster
repaired (updated actually), but Jay Terleski is an ablsolute STAR when it
comes to supporting his gear. Website is: http://www.qth.com/topten/. With
necessary cables for SSB operation, it costs about $300.
Second: If your antennas are as close as mine, all on one tower, you really
need a bandpass filter on each radio. There are only two on the market that
cover multiple bands with one box, The Model 419B from Industrial
Communication Engineers (ICE) Ltd. (phone number is 800 423 2666) and
website is http://www.iceradioproducts.com/filtersrf.html at $288 each but
they work quite well. I have one for each radio. You put them in-line
after the Orion and before the amplifier (if any). I have them hooked up to
each radio, and they automatically band switch for you. An additional
feature of the 419B is that you can operate it manually if you'd rather not
do the wiring job. You can't forget to change bands because you can't hear
anything if the switch is in the wrong position. The 419B works very well.
I went to a DX club presentation by W0IR, Ralph, who was the leader of the
DXpiditon to Peter I and they used them for that racket!
The only other band pass filter is from DuneStar
http://www.dunestar.com/filters.htm and their model 600 is about $340. It
requires an external switch to manually control it, and that's an additional
$49, if you don't use the Orion to do it, which is, by the way, easy to do.
I have no experience with this box, but they are somewhat larger than the
ICE 419B, and take a bit more wiring to get them working.
I use N1MM Logger as my software, and it works just great. By the way, the
reason I kept my Orion 1 when I got my O2, was that the ProII I had just
wilted, even with the band pass filter when running power on the other
radio. Couldn't hear a thing, whereas the Orion is for the most part immune
to the other radio's RF unless you're real close to a harmonic frequency.
Good luck. The Orions are the best contest radios. PERIOD.
Larry, N0XB
Northfield, MN
----- Original Message -----
From: "jack" <jfriend31 at comcast.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:39 PM
Subject: [TenTec] SO2R
> anyone out there using 2 Orions with one computer and a switch box? what
> switch box do you recommend and how do you keep the RF from blocking the
> second radio?
> thanks
> jack
> ak7o
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