[TenTec] Being a Contrarian...."

Grant Youngman nq5t at comcast.net
Tue Aug 1 22:18:29 EDT 2006

> Doug Smith's leaving TT was NOT an 'urban myth'!

But the notion that the Orion somehow died with him is.  Positively.
Absurd.  Of course he left.  Last I heard he isn't the last living guy that
knows stuff.  That he had the mojo and the rest is history -- that's the
mythololgy, which has now become dogma.  If Gary B did do the Orion II
single handedly (maybe that's just another piece of mythology), how many of
the whiners (and I've been one, too, at times) could even come close?

Come to think of it, this whole series of threads is absurd.  

I don't understand why all the guys who think that they could do a better
job, don't get together, throw in their savings accounts, and just build a
radio.  Then we'll see.  Nothing is perfect for everyone.  Not the Orion, or
the II, or the 7800 or the 9000 or ....  Nothing is perfect.

The whole business is just filling up disk space in my DELETED folder,
including this useless contribution.


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