[TenTec] Ten Tec Pricing (was: Omni VII)

Ron Zond k3miy at csonline.net
Fri Aug 4 08:25:20 EDT 2006


Now there's somebody who knows their Argo V. 
In its price class, it cannot be beat, and it will
drive any amp quite satisfactorily (if needed).


-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Caitlyn Martin
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 2:13 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: [TenTec] Ten Tec Pricing (was: Omni VII)

Hi, everyone,

Some of us aren't into the big rigs.  I'm sure the Omni VII will
continue Ten Tec's fine tradition of excellent HF rigs and I am very
glad to see 6m included, but it's still probably not the rig for me.

I found the comment "no wonder Icoms are so popular" based on Ten Tec's
allegedly high prices pretty funny.  The Argonaut V, in my not so
humble opinion, is the best value under $1000 in ham radio today.
Caveat:  I've only owned rigs with v.1.08 firmware.  I never
experienced the problems with early versions of the Argonaut V.

Anyway, the rig has a wonderful receiver with a low noise floor,
excellent sensitivity, and wonderful IF DSP filters that provide all
the selectivity I need.  Combined with PBT they provide the opportunity
to pull out the weak signal sandwiched between strong ones.  That's
always my main test of a receiver.  The received audio quality is
beautiful in all modes, especially AM for SWLing, and I get equally
excellent audio reports.  CW?  It's got Ten Tec's wonderful QSK.  Need I
say more?  Yes, I'd like an even narrower filter setting for CW but I
doubt that's ever kept me from working anyone.

The built in digital interface works well and there are no expensive
filters to add.  Those are definitely a cost savings compared to an
Icom.  Price an IC-703Plus, add a filter and the TCXO option, and you
have a radio that costs significantly more than an Argonaut V--with
only one optional filter bandwidth.  I'll take the performance and
filtering in the Argonaut V any day.

I do have a 100W rig in the shack. There is surprisingly little
difference in what I can work at 20W or less compared to 100W,
especially when running CW or digital. Even on SSB the extra 7dB really
matters maybe 5% of the time. Generally if I'm not armchair copy at 20W
I will go to something with more power but if the problem is QRM or a
finicky band about to die it often doesn't help at all.

Dollar for dollar you get more value in a Ten Tec Argonaut V than any
of the three under $1,000 rigs from Icom.  Ditto Yaesu.  I don't think
Kenwood offers an under $1,000 rig any longer. Sure you can have DC to
daylight under $1,000 from Icom or Yaesu, but only at the price
of mediocre receiver performance. The FT-857D, FT-897D, and the
IC-706MkIIG all have rather high receiver noise floors.  If I can't hear
them I can't work them no matter how much power I run. Thanks but no

Just my .02...

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