[TenTec] Yep -- Omni VII

Ira Franklin k4ymq at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 5 07:47:19 EDT 2006

It's great to have 6 meters on new Omni 7, how ever it only covers 50 to 54 mhz. The 48, 49 and 55 Mhz range is used by 6 meter operators as a propagation indicator since those frequency ranges are used by TV stations for video carriers

Grant Youngman <nq5t at comcast.net> wrote:
  > The requirement to have general-coverage on receive has 
> always puzzled me. 

> But how many of us
> actually tune the shortwave broadcast bands?

General coverage receive and transmit is essential to services other than
the Amateur Radio Service. MARS, for example. MARS, contrary to common
mythology, is NOT dead. Some MARS frequencies are close to the ham bands
(typically local/regional nets), but many are a long ways away.

Many of us tune the shortwave bands. If you don't, try it. You might find
a lot of interesting stuff out there. Don't dismiss it outright, with a
wave of the "how stupid is that" wand ..... :-(


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