[TenTec] re sorry I cant take it any more

bob finger finger at goeaston.net
Sun Aug 6 16:18:53 EDT 2006

To Brad W9GOD   Crybabies?  What you don't understand a bit of humor?  
Sure it is a waste of bandwidth, but bandwidth is not expensive for most 
today.  You can always use the delete key.

Things will quiet down when the sunspots return and most of us spend our 
time with headphones on rather than reading e-mails. 

We wade through the humor, exasperation, exhiliration, frustration and 
inane stuff because every once in a while many of us learn something 
from these folks with their strange sense of humor.  At least most of us 
don't SHOUT at each other, at least not on the reflector. 

Me, I dislike the folks who do not know how, or choose not to delete 
most of a post when replying.  Gets kind of tough to find something 
useful when hunting the archives. 

Sorry to see you leaving.  Come back when you can have a good laugh.  73 
bob de w9ge

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