[TenTec] Corsair II

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Sun Aug 6 18:06:29 EDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 17:36 -0500, Roy Koeppe wrote:
> About,
> "The display is the receiver zero beat or SSB carrier frequency at all
> times."  (etc.)
> That's what I was referring to. It is not your transmit frequency on CW.
> Modern rigs read your transmit frequency. Also, they read the frequency
> of the station you're working, when you tune them in for the same tone
> that your sidetone is set for--matched tones. Nothing could be more
> natural or easier.
> 73,    Roy   K6XK
True its not your transmitting frequency. But not all "modern" rigs
display the tone frequency if you matched tone. One would not want to
depend on the sidetone of the Corsair as being representative of the
carrier offset from zero beat anyway. Its an RC oscillator, famed for
its poor tone while its famed for following really fast keying with no

The display counter in the Corsair is fast, but it depends on presets
for the IF offset, not reading the carrier frequency. Its already doing
some arithmetic in the microprocessor that has almost as much processing
power as your wrist watch.

What's the need to know precise transmit frequency? working within 5 Hz
of the band edge? Too hard to know that if the dial display says 6999.2
that the 700 Hz offset is 100 Hz outside the band? What about running
SSB on the 14.348. No radio says part of the SSB signal is above 14.350.
CW needs more details on frequency?

73, Jerry, K0CQ,
All content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer

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