[TenTec] "End of an Era"

Craig Roberts crgrbrts at verizon.net
Sat Aug 19 00:59:46 EDT 2006

Ken Brown wrote:

>"...if it doesn't have a human friendly interface that feels good, 
>such as knobs and switches, it will just be a passing curiosity..."
Younger generations "bottle fed" on computers may find this statement laughable, but for those of us whose formative years were analog-only, this is true.  Of course, Ken's opinion might just be a perpetual truism.  We may always have a need for direct, tactile interfaces.  I read just yesterday, for instance, that the "eBook" is essentially a dead concept.  We still, young and old alike, prefer the look and feel of the printed page. So, we may, as Ken postulates, always prefer knobs and switches and dials and lights. 

I liked my Pegasus, but I love my Corsair.



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