[TenTec] knobs

kr2q at optonline.net kr2q at optonline.net
Sat Aug 19 09:36:45 EDT 2006

I just love these OT discusssions...so much better than the usual TT stuff (but maybe that's just me).

The only knob I really use during a contest the VFO knob (QRG tuning knob).  If I am spending LOTS of time tweaking the shift or PBT or AF/RF gain, I am losing qso's.  Of course, I am speaking about an all-band entry.  I guess if you are mono 80 or 160, that might be different.

So...lets track buttons and knobs:

Hand keying vs "space bar" - which one won?

Tuning up the amp:  manual knobs vs computer contolled (knobless)

Antenna switching:  knob versus reading band data

Notch filter...manual adust vs "auto"

Filter width as function of mode (ssb vs cw in two mode contests): knob vs "filter width is part of the memory."  Sure, you Orion types will say that you can infinitely twiddle the knob to adjust the width...yeah, you can...but is that winning the contest?

etc etc etc

I don't believe that I could ever live without a knob to adjust the QRG.  But I don't see the use of knob as essential for anything else in terms of contesting.  

Just my 2 knobs worth....
de Doug KR2Q

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