[TenTec] "End of an era"

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sat Aug 19 16:56:43 EDT 2006


 >For me though, I enjoy operating an HF radio. I know that I could
accomplish the same transfer of information many different ways, many of
them more effectively if just the transfer of the information was the
goal. HF communications can be automated to the point that the radios
are just RF modems completely operated by computers. Maybe I could have
some fun setting up these systems. I suspect that for me that is about
where the fun would end, sort of like with VHF and UHF repeaters.

 >The more the computer does the radio operating, the less fun it is for

         I agree Ken.  I simply don't get the excitement in
computer-to-computer "contacts".  We now call JT65 moonbounce
exchanges "QSOs" when they are little more than what you
described above.  Interestingly, N6TR who I mentioned before,
is also a 6m EME fan who recently installed a 2m system.  He
was chatting with W5UN on the Low Band Chat (both are 160m
addicts) and Dave said he had made over 11,000 EME CW QSOs
but now nearly everyone has gone to JT65.  Tree commented,
"I do EME with CW only because the fun for me is between the
ears"...which summarizes my feelings as well.

         I once played with listening for my own EME echo
using my 10m 3-stack.  It was a real thrill to finally hear
my echo coming back with my own ears.  It simply would not
give me the same thrill to only see a blip on my computer's
waterfall display.  I also don't see the thrill of working
DX via a list when neither station really hears the other.
Substituting a computer for a listmeister doesn't do much
for me.  Just call me "old fashioned".  ;-)

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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